发布时间:2021-09-09 10:45:15 中物联冷链物流专业委员会(农产品供应链分会)

2021第十三届全球冷链峰会 2021 13th gLOBAL COLD CHAIN SUMMIT 议程安排 Agenda 峰会地点:苏州 Venue: Kempinski Hotel Suzhou | ||
2021年9月16日,星期四 September 16,Thursday | ||
10:00 -20:00 | 【全天报到】 Registration | |
13:30-17:30 | 【同期活动】2021冷链行业数字化趋势及应用论坛暨霍尼韦尔冷链专家委员会小组成立 Concurrent Event: 2021 Seminar on Cold Chain Industry Digitalization Trends and Applications & Launching Ceremony of Honeywell Cold Chain Expert Committee 会议地点:1F多功能厅K4+K5 Venue: 1F K4+K5 | |
15:00-17:00 | 【同期活动】中物联冷链委肉类工作组工作会议暨肉类冷链趋势研讨会 Concurrent Event: CCLC Meat Working Group Meeting and Seminar on Meat Cold Chain Trends 会议地点:1F多功能厅K2 Venue: 1F K2 | |
18:30-21:00 | 【欢迎晚宴】新飞·兰博之夜 Banquet:Xinfei · Night of Lamberet | |
2021年9月17日,星期五 September 17,Friday | ||
【开幕式】 2F大宴会厅 Opening Ceremony,2F Grand Ballroom 主持嘉宾:秦玉鸣 中物联冷链委秘书长 Moderator: Yuming Qin, Secretary-General, Cold Chain Logistics Committee of China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing | ||
08:30-09:00 | 【开幕式致辞】 Opening Remarks 崔忠付 中国物流与采购联合会副会长兼秘书长 Zhongfu Cui, Vice President & Secretary-General, China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing 国家部委领导 Officials from National Ministries 金胜镐 大韩民国驻上海总领事馆总领事 Kim Seung Ho, Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Shanghai 省市政府领导 Officials from Provincial and Municipal Authorities 焦守臣 航空工业河南新飞电器集团有限公司党委书记、总经理 Shouchen Jiao, Party Secretary and General Manager, Avic Henan Xinfei Electric Group Co., Ltd | |
09:00-12:00 | 【主论坛】双循环格局·重塑新秩序 [Plenary Session] Dual Circulation Pattern · Reshape New Order 论坛地点:2F大宴会厅 Venue: 2F Grand Ballroom 主持嘉宾:刘飞 中物联冷链委常务副秘书长 Moderator: Fei Liu, Executive Deputy Secretary-General, Cold Chain Logistics Committee of China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing | |
09:00-09:25 | 主题演讲:美国 40 年餐饮生鲜供应链的演变及启示 Keynote Speech: The evolution and takeaways from the U.S. produce supply chain in foodservice 演讲嘉宾:Rich Dachman 前Sysco生鲜副总裁、Brighter Bites CEO Speaker: Rich Dachman,CEO of Brighter Bites,Former vice president of produce for Sysco Corp | |
09:25-09:50 | 主题演讲:冷链行业新标准下运输制冷技术的升级与思考(拟) Keynote Speech: Upgrading transport refrigeration technology under new standards in the cold chain industry (TBC) 演讲嘉宾:陆景璟,开利运输冷冻亚太区董事总经理 Speaker: Jingjing Lu, Managing Director of Carrier Transicold Asia | |
09:50-10:15 | 主题演讲:数字化重塑冷链流通安全秩序 Keynote Speech: Digitalization Reshaping Cold Chain Logistics Security 演讲嘉宾:张景涛,易流科技董事长兼CEO Speaker: Jingtao Zhang, Chairman & CEO, Shenzhen E6 Technology Co., Ltd | |
10:15-10:25 | 中国冷链运输景气报告联合发布&分析 Joint release & analysis: China Cold Chain Transportatio Prosperity Reportn | |
10:25-10:35 | 茶歇,展位展车参观,商务洽谈 Coffee break, booth visit, and networking | |
10:35-12:00 | 【对话全球:双循环格局下的冷链新洞察】 Global Dialogue: New Cold Chain Insights in the Dual Circulation Scheme
In the post-epidemic era, the global food trade and cold chain-related enterprises are facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges in a century. What are the new models and market growth spaces for the food cold chain in the future? What new ecology will emerge in the cold chain industry? And how will companies based in China break through and seek change in the face of internal and external factors?
主持嘉宾:秦玉鸣,中物联冷链委秘书长 Moderator: Yuming Qin, Secretary-General of Cold Chain Logistics Committee of CFLP 对话嘉宾: Panelists: 黄 弘 恒天然集团大中华区首席运营官 Susan Huang, Chief Operating Officer, Greater China, Fonterra Rahul Badge 佳沛大中华区供应链资深总监 Rahul Badge,Senior Director of Supply Chain, Greater China, Zespri 杨旭升 马士基大中华区冷箱及冷链部总经理 Jason Yang, General Manager of Maersk Reefer & Cold Chain Sales, Great China Area 李相喆 韩国清净园总经理 Lee Sang Cheol,General Manager of DAESANG (Beijing) Food Co., Ltd 董国银 上海光明领鲜总经理 GuoYin Dong,General Manager of Shanghai Guangming Lingxian Logistics Co., Ltd 熊星明 荣庆物流董事CEO XingMing Xiong, CEO of Rokin Logistics 何 斌 顺丰冷运副总裁 Moderator: Bin He,Vice-President of SF Cold Chain | |
12:30-14:00 | 自助午餐|开利运输冷冻商务宴请、韩国冷链商务宴请(均限受邀) Buffet Lunch|Carrier Transicold Asia Business Luncheon,Sino Korea Cold Chain Industry Business Luncheon | |
14:00-17:00 | 【平行论坛一】新科技 新食代 新冷链 [Track 1] New Era, New Consumption, New Cold Chain 论坛地点:2F大宴会厅 C+D厅 Venue: 2F Grand Ballroom C+D 主持嘉宾:刘飞 中物联冷链委常务副秘书长 Moderator: Fei Liu, Executive Deputy Secretary-General, Cold Chain Logistics Committee of China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing | |
14:00-14:30 | 主题演讲:科技护航,打造食品流通新基础服务设施 Keynote Speech: Technology empowers China's food distribution infrastructure 演讲嘉宾:黄 博,运荔枝总经理 Speaker: Bo Huang,General Manager of Y Litchi | |
14:30-15:00 | 演讲主题:食品流通模式新升级,数字化产业带来全新体验 Keynote Speech: Upgrade on food distribution model, digital transformation of the industry brings new experience 演讲嘉宾:李军棉,格利食品网创始人、总经理 Speaker: JunMian Li,Founder and General Manager of GE LI FOOD | |
15:00-15:30 | 演讲主题:新材料赋能冷链新场景、新动力 Keynote Speech: New materials empowering new cold chain scenarios 演讲嘉宾:张 辉 宏鑫源集团钟祥金诺新材料总经理 Hui Zhang,General Manager of Headstream Cold Chain Division | |
15:30-17:00 | 【互动对话:新食代下的冷链产业布局】 Food cold chain industry landscape in the new era
With the impact of consumption upgrading and the poularity of convenient lifestyle, enterprises involved in new catering, new retail and other fields begin to pay attention to the construction of cold chain logistics system, and continue to develop and make progress in the direction of digitization and intelligence. Throughout the food cold chain development, how will enterprises respond to demand changes and provide efficient services? How will the food cold chain industry change to cater for the change in the industry landscape?
主持嘉宾:孟庆刚 知支之终身学习者 Moderator: Qinggang Meng,A perpetual learner in Triplezhi
对话嘉宾: Panelists (TBC): 景雪峰,厚生投资执行董事 Steven Jing, Executive Director of Hosen Capital 陈仲武,麦金地集团副总裁、天津链融董事长、总裁 Zhongwu Chen ,Vice President of Shanghai MCKINTEY GROUP Co., Ltd. Chairman and President of Tianjin Lianrong Supply Chain Service Co., Ltd. 李永锋,麦当劳中国供应链管理策略采购高级总监 Andy Li , Head of Strategic Sourcing, McDonald's China Supply Chain 费 莉,新夏晖Vice CEO、首席战略官 Li Fei,CEO and chief strategy officer of New Havi Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. 王青林,首农东方集团五环顺通总经理 QingLin Wang,General Manager of Beijing Sunlon Dongfang Food Supply Chain Management Group Co., Ltd 盛若波,蜀海供应链副总经理 RuoBo Sheng,Deputy General Manager of Shuhai (Beijing) Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. 樊清信,绝配供应链总经理 Fan qingxin ,General Manager of ShangHai Juepei flexible supply chain service Co.,Ltd | |
14:00-17:00 | 【平行论坛二】国际冷链发展与创新论坛 [Track 2] International Cold Chain Development and Innovation Forum 论坛地点:2F大宴会厅 B厅 Venue: 2F Grand Ballroom B 孔德磊 中物联冷链委研究院常务副院长、中物联冷链委副秘书长 Moderator: Delei Kong,Executive Vice President,CCLC Research Institute.Deputy Secretary-General of cold chain logistics committee of CFLP | |
14:00-14:30 | 主题演讲:探寻基建供应链建设,打造企业智慧运营国际港 Keynote Speech: Exploring infrastructure supply chain construction to create a smart operating port for enterprises 拟邀嘉宾:肖剑 天津东疆保税港区商务促进局国际贸易部部长 Speaker: Xiao Jian, chief of commerce and investment promotion bureau international trade promotion section section in Tianjin Dongjiang Free Trade Port Zone | |
14:30-15:00 | 主题演讲:脉冲式电子膨胀阀及大型冷库创新控制方案 Keynote Speech: Danfoss pulse electronic expansion valves and control solutions for large cold storages 演讲嘉宾:杨杨 丹佛斯应用拓展经理、高级工程师 Speaker: Yang Yang,BD Manager and senior engineer of Danfoss(Shanghai) Investment Co. Ltd | |
15:00-15:30 | 主题演讲:日冷全球化及本土化结合发展经验分享 Keynote Speech: Nichirei's experience in combining globalisation and localisation 演讲嘉宾:Toshinori Nakamura, 日冷物流集团执行董事兼海外事业推进部部长 Speaker: Toshinori Nakamura,Executive Officer & General Manager of Overseas Business Development Division Nichirei Logistics Group Inc | |
15:30-17:00 | 【互动对话:多元需求下的冷链物流新变革】 Panel Discussion: New reform of cold chain logistics under diversified demands
In recent years, driven by food standardization and branding, the consumer end of China's food cold chain industry has undergone subtle changes. Fresh food e-commerce, community group buying, front-end warehouses, convenience stores, new retail and other services are constantly getting closer to consumers, driving the upgrade of various chains in the cold chain industry under the complex and personalised demand. In the face of consumer grading, what changes have taken place among consumers? What are the operational logics and considerations worth learning from inside and outside the industry?
主持嘉宾:虞健民 普洛斯顾问,普冷国际物流董事长 Moderator: Jianmin Yu,Advisor of GLP,Chairman of Global Freezer Services 对话嘉宾: Panelists: 张太喜 漯河双汇物流董事长 Taixi Zhang, Chairman of Luohe Shuanghui Logistics Transportation Co., Ltd 何德权 亚太冷国际供应链总裁兼首席执行官 Dickson Ho , President and CEO of ApacCold International Supply Chain Co., Ltd 王 峥 佰隆贸易总经理 Alex Wang,General Manager, Peloris Trading Co. Ltd 程其中 大福(中国)华东区销售总监 Qizhong Cheng,East China Sales Director of Daifuku (China) Logistics Equipment Co., Ltd 可 兰 秘鲁驻中国上海经济商务处官员 Carla Cieza, Official of Economic and Commercial Office of Peru in Shanghai 王旭东 北京亚冷控股有限公司集团副总裁 Xudong Wang,Vice President of Beijing Yaliang Holding Co., Ltd. | |
14:00-17:30 | 【平行论坛三】中韩冷链物流合作论坛 [Track 3] Sino-korea Cold Chain Cooperation Forum 论坛地点:2F大宴会厅 A厅 Venue: 2F Grand Ballroom A | |
14:00-14:20 | 致辞: Opening Remarks: 崔忠付 中国物流与联合采购会副会长兼秘书长 Zhongfu Cui, Vice President & Secretary-General, China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing 金明珠 大韩民国驻上海总领事馆财经官 Kim Myeongjoo,Financial Officer of Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Shanghai 金钟德 韩国海洋水产开发院研究副院长 Jong Deog Kim,Vice President of Research of Korea Maritime Institute | |
14:20-14:40 | 主题演讲:中韩食品交易现状及冷链需求 Keynote Speech: Current status of food trade and cold chain needs in China and Korea 演讲嘉宾:成始灿,韩国农水产品食品流通公社上海代表处支社长 Speaker: Seechan Sung,Director of the Korea Agro-Trade Center, Shanghai,Korea Agricultural and Fisheries Food Trade Corporation | |
14:40-15:00 | 主题演讲:全球价值链的风险、韧性和再平衡 Keynote Speech: Risk, toughness and rebalancing of global value chains 演讲嘉宾:成政珉,麦肯锡全球董事合伙人,麦肯锡全球研究院中国院长 Speaker: Jeongmin Seong,Partner at the McKinsey Global Institute,China president of McKinsey Global Institute | |
15:00-15:25 | 主题演讲:现代冷链物流与供应链金融 Keynote Speech: Modern Cold Chain Logistics and Supply Chain Finance 演讲嘉宾:张春燕 青岛新协航国际物流副总经理 Speaker: Zhang Chunyan,Qingdao New Ocean Line Co., Ltd, Deputy General Manager | |
15:25-15:45 | 主题演讲:基于区块链的食品冷链构建方案 Keynote Speech: Blockchain-based solutions for building food cold chains 演讲嘉宾:赵志星 韩国海洋水产开发院高级研究员 Speaker: Jisung Jo,Senior researcher of advanced port research department,Korea Maritime Institute | |
15:45-16:05 | 主题演讲:冷链恒温包装材料的应用 Keynote Speech: :Application of cold chain constant temperature packaging materials 演讲嘉宾: 金柄俊 上海郎翼国际货运代理有限公司代表 Speaker: Joseph Kim, Representative, James Trans Co., LTD | |
16:05-17:30 | 【互动对话:中韩商贸冷链物流发展,如何共进共赢】 Panel Discussion: Cold Chain Logistics Development in China-Korea Trade, How to Form a Win-win Situation
As the scale of international trade continues to expand, the scale of import and export trade of aquatic products between China and Korea continues to rise. Although barriers are being reduced at the national level in terms of trade tariffs and diversified trade strategies, international green trends and technical barriers to trade are affecting the effectiveness of the trade in aquatic products between China and Korea to varying degrees.
主持嘉宾:杨彬彬,优合集团优顶特研究院院长 Moderator: YANG Binbin (Ph. D),Overseas department general manager of Optima Integration Group(OIG), the Director of OIG Research Institute 互动嘉宾: Panelists: 金熙龙 熙龙(上海)国际物流有限公司总经理 Robin Kim,CEO of Thomas Globe (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 蒋德智 亚洲渔港副董事长 Dezhi Jiang,Vice Chairman of Asiasea Co. ltd 刘亮 中外运冷链常务副总经理 Liu Liang, Deputy general manager of Sinotrans Cold Chain Logistics Co.,Ltd 刘江 锦亿鹏鸿国际物流有限公司董事长 Liu Jiang,Chairman of Genius International Logistics Co., Ltd | |
14:00-16:40 | [Track 4] Global Cold Chain Market – the UK Live stream 平行论坛四 全球冷链市场—英国 线上直播 | |
15:00-15:10 | Opening Remarks Shane Brennan, Chief Executive of UK Cold Chain Federation Shane Brennan,英国冷链联合会首席执行官 Stuart Dunn, Head of Agriculture, Food & Drink Trade China,Department for International Trade Stuart Dunn,英国国际贸易部农业食品与饮料行业中国总监 致辞演讲 | |
15:10-15:30 | Keynote: UK market overview and embracing challenges of net zero policy 主题演讲:英国冷链市场概览及迎接零碳政策挑战 Shane Brennan, Chief Executive of UK Cold Chain Federation Shane Brennan,英国冷链联合会首席执行官 | |
15:30-15:50 | Keynote: Cold Chain Logistics Service Best Practice 主题演讲:冷链物流服务最佳实践分享 Tim Moran, Regional VP for Lineage Logistics in the UK Tim Moran, Lineage英国区域副总裁 | |
15:50-16:10 | Keynote: The Smart Road to Net Zero 主题演讲:探索迈向净零碳 Dermot Cotter, Managing Director of Star Technical Services Dermot Cotter,Star Technical Services董事总经理 | |
16:10-16:30 | Keynote: Clean cold chain—from cold production to storage and utilization 主题演讲:清洁冷链技术—从冷能生产和储存到应用 Professor Yulong Ding, Director of Birmingham Centre for Energy Storage 丁玉龙教授,伯明翰储能研究忠心主任 | |
16:30-16:40 | Closing 结束 | |
18:30-20:30 | 【答谢晚宴】 Banquet | |
2021年9月18日,星期六 September 18,Saturday | ||
【全体大会】 [Plenary Session] | ||
07:00-08:00 | 快行天下 活力全开 —“为健康一起跑”5公里迷你马拉松赛 Kuaixing Tianxia Mini Marathon | |
09:00-10:30 | 重磅发布:2020全国冷链自有运力50家重点企业 2020全国冷链仓储量50家重点企业 Industry Statistics: 50 Enterprises with Notable In-house Cold Chain Transportation Capacity 50 Enterprises with Notable Cold Storage Capacity | |
10:30-10:40 | 中物联冷链委·优合集团联合发布:中国进口肉类20年 CFLP Cold Chain Logistics Committee and OIG Joint Release: 20 Years of Imported Meat in China | |
10:40-10:50 | 链英:冷链人才对接平台上线仪式 Linkin: Cold Chain Talent Platform Launch Ceremony | |
10:50-11:20 | 会议总结及闭幕式 Closing | |
11:20-12:40 | 午餐 Buffet Lunch | |
13:00 -17:30 | 【企业参观考察】航空工业新飞兰博昆山生产基地 [Facility Tour] Avic Henan Xinfei Electric Group Co., Ltd |